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Renaissance Yoga and Wellbeing Proudly presents

Further Training For Yoga Teachers

With Caroline Tautz

Accredited by Yoga Alliance Professionals

Presented in 3 Independent 100 hour modules

Experiential learning based on the latest science and theory


Single module investment £1500

All 3 modules paid together £4180

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UP NEXT!!! Module B
Creative Flow, Intelligent Sequencing and Meditative Techniques
12th - 16th January 
16th - 20st February
Developing creativity in sequencing with a strong understanding of the relationship between form and function.
Follow this link to full module syllabus

Module C

Psychology of Yoga and Embodied Practice

20th - 24th April

1st - 5th June

learn the components of embodiment, for instance somatic awareness of inner and outer perceptions; you will learn exercises which cultivate this awareness and how it relates to behaviour, emotions and reactions

Follow this link to full module syllabus


Module A

Fascial Touch and Assisting with Awareness

6th - 10th October

17th - 21st November

 learn to give hands on assists and verbal cues with skill and accuracy.

You will become proficient in observing structural patterns and fascial lines in relation to movement. 

Follow this link to full module syllabus

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With Senior Teacher/Trainer

Caroline Tautz SYT

Caroline Tautz is a bodywork therapist, yoga teacher, somatic movement teacher and meditation teacher registered with yoga alliance U.K. senior level. Registered with yoga alliance as a trainer for teachers. Her work is recognised as both creative, therapeutic and deeply compassionate. She has over 25 years of teaching experience.

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(Click logos for link to official accreditation page)

If you are ready to broaden your knowledge, deepen your wisdom and be more equipped in your teaching to serve your communities with greater empathy and compassion. The next steps are:

Submit the application form below,
Your application will then be reviewed and a phone interview maybe required,
A provisional place will then be offered,
Upon receipt of your deposit of 30% of the total cost, your place will then be secured!

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